
We got married! Remember when we got engaged? Well, we planned and planned and finally got hitched. I’m gonna write a big old post about it when we get our pictures back, and you can all see the shiny, magic, happy time we had. In the meantime, a couple of things:


First, you gotta buy a marriage license! So we did.

husband and wife

Actually, that wasn’t first at all. First we had to find each other, find a location, find a caterer, find me a dress and him a suit, choose our wedding team/attendants, find an officiant, choose music, choose musicians, choose wedding cakes…THEN get the license. There was a lot of finding and choosing. Oh, and I made my bouquet and painted our wedding topper. And we made a new paper issue of Languishing for the programs. And chose readings and wrote our own vows. Whew. No wonder I haven’t blogged in awhile!

Anyway, consider this a little appetizer of a tediously long blog post about one day in our lives. It was full of good people, laughter, music, and love, and was the perfect way to officially kick off our life together.

The hardest part of being married, so far, is before the wedding, whenever one of us did something the other liked, we’d say “Aw, we should totally get married.” But now that we did that, we tend to be at a loss. Mostly we say “Well, I guess we better stay married.” It’s a pretty great place to be, we think.

About Jennifer

Writer teacher mama sister friend sewist poet trying to stay warm in Minnesota's northwest.
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1 Response to Mawwige

  1. Donna says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! Looks like it was a beautiful day for a wedding. Wishing for you a lifetime of happiness and love for each other.

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